About Us
What we do.
The Metamorphosis Community Project is a nonprofit 501(c)3 community organization with a vision of being a catalyst for collaborative upliftment of our community. Our mission is to leverage relationships and resources to provide avenues to holistic development and health for the residents of the Greater Riverdale Area and beyond. Our primary program areas of concentration are Community Building Events, Food Security, Programs for school-aged children & their families AND the Greater Riverdale Thrives Community Coalition (which exists to coordinate the allocation of services, resources and opportunities in the Greater Riverdale Area - with particular attention to the life contexts of Affordable Housing, Community Beautification, Food Access, Health & Wellness and Youth & Schools).

Our Founder
Pastor Michael “Mike” Dickson
Pastor Michael S. Dickson, II is a lifelong Prince Georgian (of Landover). During his teen years, he was shaped by and contributed to common expressions of brokenness typical of the area in the early 80s. At the end of 1986, the Lord Jesus intervened powerfully and dramatically, changing the trajectory Mike’s life. Mike went on to serve in our country’s military and later worked in the corporate world before joining the staff of Solid Rock Church in September of 1998. In 2012, Pastor Dickson was tasked with leading Solid Rock Church in connecting with their community. Through partnerships with schools and surrounding neighborhood apartment complexes, the support and contributions of Solid Rock Church, and the volunteerism of community members connections were made which allowed Pastor Mike to demonstrate his faith in tangible, real life service to others. This passion of demonstrating faith through service led to the founding of the Metamorphosis Community Project. Our mission is to help uplift the Greater Riverdale Area by any means necessary. We hope you will join us in doing so!
The Metamorphosis Community Project the Home of GRT just earned the 2023 Silver Seal with @CandidDotOrg!
We are excited to share the work our nonprofit does through our #NonprofitProfile. Learn how you can support us and make a difference.
¡El Proyecto Comunitario Metamorfosis el Hogar de la TGR acaba de ganar el Sello de Plata 2023 con @CandidDotOrg!
Estamos muy contentos de compartir el trabajo que nuestra organización sin fines de lucro hace a través de nuestro #NonprofitProfile. Aprenda cómo usted puede apoyarnos y hacer una y marcar la diferencia.